Website Migration Services
Website Migration
Each time you change web hosting providers, you are met with a myriad of obstacles. At HostWorldServices, we’re here for you, ready to make this procedure less difficult – we’ll accomplish everything for you and will move all your website files, MySQL databases and e–mails.
Let us migrate your website
Migrate your website to HostWorldServices and experience web hosting with a difference - The Future is Here.
We support all Linux–driven web hosting platforms. Generally, if we can acquire access to your Control Panel, we’ll be able to migrate your web site.The only platforms that we do not support are closed–source site building platforms like Wix, BaseKit, Jimdo, Website Tonight, Four Square, Mr Site, etc.
What does website migration mean and what does it entail?
The website migration service that we offer to cloud hosting plans is free (to a certain extent), but the website migration services for cPanel hosting plans is not a free service.
We’ll migrate your website(s) to our first–rate cloud hosting platform or our state-of-art cPanel servers without you needing to do anything. We know from personal experience that switching web hosting providers can lead to lost information and unwanted network downtime.
We have highly qualified administrators whose chief task is to ensure that your site performs precisely as it did on your former hosting platform. Our administrators are well–versed in migrating custom–built web sites, as well as web sites that are based on well–known scripts such as Joomla™ and WordPress.
If your domain is not registered with HostWorldServices or has not been transferred to HostWorldServices and remains with another provider, all you need to do is update your DNS records to our DNS Server names.
A: There are plenty of factors to keep in mind – the overall amount of web files, the physical size of the database, the complexity of the site itself and the current workload of our web site migration experts, etc. However, we do try to carry out all website migrations in a 48–hour period. Less sizeable sites are migrated much faster – usually in less than 24 hours.
For us to be able to migrate your website and files, we will need to have the name of the website that you’d like us to migrate. We will also need a way to log into your old hosting account and cPanel so that we can migrate all the files associated with your website.
A: Our Privacy Policy is an indivisible part of the contract that we will have with you as a customer. We are committed to safeguarding the security of the personal info gathered from the customers. To achieve that, we employ technical security measures in order to avoid the loss, the misappropriation, the modification or the illegal leak of the information under our control. The measures include, but are not limited to: physical, electronic and administrative methods to protect and secure the info that we accumulate online. When we request clients to submit financial info (for example, a debit card number), this info is encoded using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption technique.
A: Nope. Your website will remain available online during the migration. As soon as everything is done on our end, we’ll inform you so that you can examine it and check for problems. If everything is alright, all you will need to do is edit your domain’s DNS resource records.
A: While we migrate your content, your web hosting provider won’t be aware of the transfer at all. We won’t get in touch with them in any way.
A: We support all Linux–driven web hosting platforms. Generally, if we can acquire access to your Control Panel, we’ll be able to migrate your web site.The only platforms that we do not support are closed–source site building platforms like Wix, BaseKit, Jimdo, Website Tonight, Four Square, Mr Site, etc.
Website migration and domain transfer are two separate things. When you migrate your website, you are changing your hosting service location to display your website on a different hosting server. It is generally a seamless process and your website doesn't suffer downtime. You only have to edit your current hosts DNS records and change them to our DNS server names at HostWorldServices. Access to your hosting account and cPanel are a general requirement for the migration to occur.
A domain transfer is the process of moving a domain name from one registrar to another.
An EPP-Code is required for a domain holder to transfer a domain name from one registrar to another. Your current web host or registrar may allow you, via an online interface tool, to unlock your domain and to generate and manage your own EPP code. If not, you will need to contact your web hosting company support team for further instructions.
Once we have your EPP code, the process begins and you are notified when completed.
*Note: Domain transfers can only occur on domains that are older than 60 days as per ICAAN regulations.
HostWorldServices Website Migration Services
We’re here for you, ready to make this procedure less difficult